

王志芳 Zhifang WANG

美高梅建筑与景观学院 副院长 博导 研究员

Vice President, Doctoral supervisor, Researcher, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University




Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environment, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

景观设计专业硕士 (MLA) ,美国密西根大学自然资源与环境学院

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA), School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA


Master of Science in Landscape Planning, Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China


Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning, Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China



2012-now, Associate Professor in College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University, China


2008-2012 Assistant Professor in Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University, USA.



Sustainable planning and design as well as performance assessment, science-practice interface, ecosystem services, human wellbeing, green infrastructure vernacular landscape, ecological restoration


美高梅法律与社会专业学位分会委员 Committee Member of the Professional Master Degree of Peking University(Law Sector)

中国风景园林教育工作委员会委员 Committee Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture Educators

中国城市科学研究会景观学专委会副秘书长Committee Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture Educators

Editorial Board Member in Landscape and Urban Planning

Review Editor and Guess Editor for the journal of Land

Review Editor in Frontiers in Environmental Science - Land Use Dynamics

《美高梅官网平台》编委 Editorial Board Member in Landscape Architecture Frontiers

《美高梅》特约编辑Contributing Editor in Landscape Architecture

《美高梅》特约编辑Contributing Editor in Chinese Landscape Architecture

《美高梅》特约审稿人 Contributing Reviewer for Urban Planning


1. Zhifang Wang*, Min Xu, Yinglu Miu, Zhongwei Zhu, Salman Qureshi.Urban park comparisons based on their different services to human wellbeing derived from social media texts. 2021. Urban Forestry and Greening 63:127233

2. Yang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Lin, G. Performance Assessment Indicators for Comparing Recreational Services of Urban Parks. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 3337. http:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18073337

3. Zhifang Wang, Zhongwei Zhu, Min Xu, Salman Qureshi*. 2021. Fine-grained assessment of regional green-space satisfaction using content analysis of social media and machine learning. Science of the Total Environment776:145908. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145908

4. Zhifang Wang*, Liyun Huang, Min Xu, Sirui Wang. 2021. Using schematic planning as a bridging procedure to mediate science-practice gaps of NBS in China: Case study of the Jialing River in Wusheng County, Sichuan Province. Ambio. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-020-01445-2

5. Zhifang Wang*, Min Xu, Haowen Lin, Salman Qureshi, Yujing Ma. 2021. Understanding the dynamics and factors affecting cultural ecosystem services during urbanization through spatial pattern analysis and a mixed-methods approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123422

6. Hui WenJiquan ChenZhifang Wang*.2020. Disproportioned performances of protected areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Sustainability. 12(6404) DOI: 10.3390/su12166404

7. Tao Luo, Yuchen Lin, Christina Von Haaren, Zhifang Wang*. 2020.Values and legal framework of German landscape planning and the implications. Landscape Architecture Frontiers 8(1):10. DOI: 10.15302/J-LAF-1-020020

8. Min Xu, Tao Luo, Zhifang Wang. 2020. Urbanization diverges residents’ landscape preferences but towards a more natural landscape: case to complement landsenses ecology from the lens of landscape perception. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2020.1727989

9. Zhifang Wang*, Dan LiHongji Chen, Tao Luo. 2020. Multifaceted influences of urbanization on sense of place in the rural-urban fringes of China: growing, dissolving and transitioning. Journal of Urban Development and Management 146(1):04019026 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000540

10. Yizhao Yang, Lei Zhang, Yuemin Ye, Zhifang Wang. 2019.Curbing sprawl with development-limiting boundaries in urban China: A review of literature. Journal of Planning Literature. DOI: 10.1177/0885412219874145

11. Tao Luo, Min Xu, Zhifang Wang*, Zhaowu Yu. 2019. A comparative study on the performance of three color schemes in landscape preference tests. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 27(2):114-125.

12. Zhifang Wang*, Zhenyu Yuan. 2019. Perspectives of designed ecologies. Landscape Architecture Frontiers. 2019, 7(1): 8-17. 王志芳,袁振宇. 2019. 设计生态的不同视角[J]. 景观设计学71):8-17.

13. Wang Huaqing, Galen Newman, Zhifang Wang. 2019.Urban planning as an extension of war planning the case of Shenyang, China. Contemporary Urban Affairs. 3(1): 1-12. 10.25034/ijcua.2018.4677

14. Zhifang Wang*. 2018. Bridging the gaps between landscape design practice and scientific research: A graphical interpretation. Landscape Architecture Frontiers. 6(05): 66-71.王志芳. 2018.图示景观设计与科研的差异.景观设计学6(05): 66-71.

15. Zhifang Wang*, Yue Jin, Yu Liu, Dong Li and Bo Zhang. 2018. Comparing social media data and survey data in assessing the attractiveness of Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Sustainability. 10 (2): 382. doi:10.3390/su10020382

16. Zhifang Wang*.2018. Evolving landscape-urbanization relationships in Contemporary China. Landscape and Urban Planning. 171: 30-41. doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.11.010

17. Zhifang Wang*, Dihua Li et al. 2017. Using ecosystem disservice as a framework to diagnose urban problems. Landscape Architecture Frontiers. 6(030): 8-16.

18. Luo, T., Zhang, T., Wang, Z., and Gan, Y. 2015. Driving forces of landscape fragmentation due to urban transportation networks: Lessons from Fujian, China. Journal of Urban Development and Management .DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000292, 04015013.

19. Zhifang Wang*, Puay Yok Tan, Tao Zhang, Joan Nassauer. 2014. Perspectives on bridging the action gap between landscape science and metropolitan governance: Practice in the US and China. Landscape and Urban Planning. 125: 329–334.

20. Paul Opdum, Joan Nassauer, Zhifang Wang, Christian Albert, Gary Bentrup, Jean-Christophe Castella, Clive McAlpine, Jianguo Liu, Stephen Sheppard, Simon Swaffield. 2013. Science for action at the local landscape scale. Landscape Ecology. 28 (8). 1439-144.

21. Zhifang Wang*, J. Nassauer, R. Marans, and Daniel Brown. 2012. Different types of open spaces and their importance to exurban residents. Society and Natural Resources. 25(4): 368-383. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2011.571231

22. Joan I. Nassauer, Jennifer Dowdell, Zhifang Wang, Danielle McKahn, Brian Chilcott, Cathy Kling and Silvia Secchi. 2011. Iowa farmers’ responses to transformative scenarios for Corn Belt agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 66(1): 18-24.

23. Chan Yong Sung, Ming-Han Li, George O. Rogers, Astrid Volder, Zhifang Wang. 2011. Investigating alien plant invasion in urban riparian forests in a hot and semi-arid region. Landscape and Urban Planning. 100(3): 278-286.

24. Joan I. Nassauer, Zhifang Wang and Eric Dayrell. 2009. What will the neighbors yhink? Cultural norms for ecological design. Landscape and Urban Planning. 92(3-4): 282-292.

25. Brown, D.G., Robinson, D.T., An, L. Nassauer, J.I., Zellner, M., Rand,W., Riolo, R., Page, S.E., Low, B., Wang, Z. 2008. Exurbia from the bottom up: Confronting empirical challenges to characterizing a complex system. Geoforum 39: 818-835.

26. Zhifang Wang*, Jia Kang, Min Xu, Guangsi Lin. Characterizing Urban Park User Groups. Landscape Architecture. Minor Revision (王志芳, 康佳,徐敏*, 林广思. 城市公园用户特征刻画:基于北京公园的调查研究.风景园林.)

27. Zhifang Wang*, Jielan Zhong, Xiangzhan ChengHui Liu. Alternative design strategies to align ecology and aesthetics. Landscape Architecture. Under Review. (王志芳*,钟洁岚,程相占,刘晖. 耦合生态与审美的设计途径. 风景园林)

28. Yaoyao Peng, Zhifang Wang*. Landuse assessment based upon sentiment analysis: case study of Beijing. Urban Studies. Under Review. (彭瑶瑶,王志芳*. 基于情绪分析的土地利用评价以北京为例. 城市发展研究.)

29. Zhifang Wang*, Hongpeng Fu. Mood characteristics of urban park users and influential factors. Chinese landscape Architecture. Under Review. (王志芳*,付宏鹏. 城市公园用户的情绪特征及影响因子研究. 美高梅学报.)

30. Zhifang Wang, Shichang Gao*, Limei Miao, Ming Luo, Yuxi Zhang, Min Xu. 2020. Paradigm Research for Territorial Ecological Protection and Restoration. China Land Science. (03),1-8. DOI: 10.11994/zgtdkx.20200317.132933 (王志芳,高世昌*,苗利梅,罗明,张禹锡 & 徐敏. 2020.国土空间生态保护修复范式研究. 中国土地科学(03),1-8. DOI: 10.11994/zgtdkx.20200317.132933)

31. Zhifang Wang*, Sirui Wang, Min Xu.2020. Assessment of Recreation Services at the County-levelA Case Study based on Wusheng CitySichuan Province. South Architecture.(03):27-33. (王志芳*,王思睿,徐敏.县域景观游憩服务评价——以四川省武胜县为例.南方建筑,2020(03):27-33.)

32. Zhifang Wang*, Yaojin Zhou, Min Xu, Hongpeng FU, Sirui Wang. 2020.Delineation of County Natural Landscape Governance Units for WuSheng. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis.56(3): 553-560. (王志芳*,周瑶瑾,徐敏,付宏鹏,王思睿.2020.县域景观特征管理单元划分方法——以武胜县为例.美高梅学报(自然科学版). 56(3): 553-560. DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.080

33. Zhifang Wang*, Hongpeng Fu, Yaojin Zhou, Sirui Wang. 2019.Cases of Green Infrastructure Planning in the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, and Their Lessons to China. Southern Architecture. 191(3):9-13.(王志芳*,付宏鹏,周瑶瑾,王思睿. ,,德绿色基础设施规划案例对于中国的借鉴意义.南方建筑.2019. 191(3):9-13. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2019.03.009)

34. Zhifang Wang*, Kexin Cheng. 2019.Spatial and temporal evolvement of stormwater "source-sink" landscape in North Canal Basin. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 39(16):5922⁃5931. (王志芳*,程可欣.北运河流域雨洪“源-汇”景观时空间演变. 生态学报. 39(16):5922⁃5931. )

35. Zhifang Wang*, Wenjing Yue, Sirui Wang, Zhongwei Zhu. 2019. Review the Development Trend of Ecological Restoration in International Watersheds and Its Reference. Significance Geographical Science Research. 8(2), 221-233. (王志芳*,岳文静,王思睿,朱钟炜2019. 综述国际流域生态修复发展趋势及借鉴意义.地理科学研究. 8(2), 221-233.)

36. Zhifang Wang*, Jianan Zhao, Yaoyao Peng, Wenjing Yue. 2019. Comparative Evaluation of Guangzhou City Parks——Text Analysis Based on Social Media Data. Landscape Architecture268):89-94. (王志芳*,赵稼楠,彭瑶瑶,岳文静.2019. 广州市公园对比评价研究——基于社交媒体数据的文本分析.风景园林. 268):89-94.)

37. Zhifang Wang*, Yaoyao Peng, Chuanyu Xu. 2019. The current applications and future potentials of ecosystem service tradeoff research. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 55(4): 773-781. (王志芳*,彭瑶瑶,徐传语. 2019. 生态系统服务权衡研究的实践应用进展及趋势.美高梅学报(自然科学版). 55(4): 773-781.)

38. Chuanyu Xu, Zhifang Wang. 2018. Study on cold hot spots of ecosystem services in Yangjiang. Scientific and Technological Innovation. 2018(34):118-119.(徐传语,王志芳. 2018. 阳江市生态系统服务冷热点方法研究.科学技术美高梅官网平台创新 (34): 118-119.)

39. Zhifang Wang*, Wenrui Cui, Xianpei Heng. 2018. The Application of PGIS in Chongqing Pond System Planning. Planners. 34(10):86-92. (王志芳*,崔文睿,衡先培. 2018. PGIS美高梅在重庆堰塘系统保护规划中的应用研究.规划师. 34(10):86-92.)

40. Qianzi Zhang, Kongjian Yu, Zhifang Wang. 2018. Rainwater Storage and Regulation Capacity of Beitang System Based on SWMM and Its Application. China Water & Wastewater. 34(11):132-138.(姜芊孜,俞孔坚,王志芳. 2018. 基于SWMM 的陂塘系统雨洪调蓄能力及应用研究.中国给水排水, 34(11):132-138.)

41. Zhifang Wang*, Chunxue Liang. 2018. Comparison of Habitat Planning in Miyun District of Beijing Based on Different Perspectives and Approaches. Landscape Architecture. 25(07):90-94. (王志芳*,梁春雪. 2018. 基于不同视角与方法的北京市密云区生境规划对比.风景园林. 25(07):90-94.)

42. Danning Jiang, Zhifang Wang*, Yufeng Chen, Zijiao Zhang, Shaodong Yang. 2018. Categorization on Sponge Measurements in Lingnan Rural Area. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 54(4): 873-882. (蒋丹凝,王志芳*,陈宇枫,张子骄,杨少栋. 2018. 岭南乡村“海绵”措施的宏观归纳分析.美高梅学报(自然科学版) 54(4): 873-882.)

43. Zhifang Wang*, Nan Shen. 2018. A review of the roles of local knowledge in ecological practices. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 38(2): 371-379. (王志芳*,沈楠. 2018. 综述地方知识的生态应用价值.生态学报38(2): 371-379.)

44. Zhifang Wang*, Yan Zhao, Jinling Hou, Bo Zhang. 2017. Design principles for herbaceous planting based on landscape perception research. Chinese landscape Architecture. 2017, (04): 20-15. (王志芳*,赵妍,侯金伶,张波.2017. 基于景观偏好的草本植物设计原则.中国园林(04): 33-39.)

45. Zhifang Wang*, Yunfei Xu, Nan Cai, Yang Shen, Xiaohui Li. 2017. The implication of Germany landscape planning to the integration of multiple plans in China. Studies of Urban Issues. 2017, (8): 64-69. (王志芳*,许云飞,蔡楠,沈杨,李晓晖. 2017. 德国景观规划对中国多规合一的启示.现代城市研究 (8): 64-69.)

46. Ying Zhou, Zhifang Wang. 2017. Alternative Scenarios of Agricultural Park Based on Child Family's Preference—A Case Study of Beijing Haidian District. Chinese Landscape Architecture.2017, (03):25-31. (周瑛,王志芳. 2017. 儿童家庭对城郊休闲农业园游憩活动偏好——以北京市海淀区农业园为例[J].中国园林, 33(08):103-106.)

47. Zhifang Wang*. 2017. Actionable ecological knowledge and ecophronesis. International Urban Planning. 04:12-16. (王志芳*.可实践生态知识与生态实践智慧.国际城市规划.2017, 04:12-16.)

48. Zhifang Wang*, Ganglu Zhu. 2017. A study on characteristic changes and causes of pond landscape systems in the process of urbanization. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekingensis. 4(53):701-709.(王志芳,朱刚露.城镇化过程中陂塘景观系统的特征演变与成因分析.美高梅学报(自然科学版).2017, 4(53):701-709.)

49. Zhifang Wang*, Yang Cai, Chen Zhang, Miao Kou. 2017. Public preferences of community agriculture and application inferences. Landscape Architecture. (3):89-92. (王志芳*,蔡扬,张辰,寇淼.基于景观偏好分析的社区农园公众接受度研究——以北京为例.风景园林.2017, (3): 86-94.)

50. Xianpei Heng, Zhifang Wang*, Qinqin Dai and Qianzi Jiang. 2016. The roles of local knowledge in identifying water security pattern: A case study of Longxin and Shichuan Township in Yulin Watershed. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 36(13): 1-11. (衡先培,王志芳*,戴芹芹,姜芊孜. 地方知识美高梅在水安全格局识别过程中的作用——以重庆御临河流域龙兴,石船镇为例. 生态学报.2016, (13): 1-11.)

51. Xia Liu, Zhifang Wang. 2016. The influence of climates and culture to the characteristics of yards in Xinjiang. Shanxi Architecture. (11): 220-221. (刘霞与王志芳.气候和文化传统双重因子影响下的庭院特征.山西建筑.2016, (11): 220-221.)

52. Zhifang Wang*, Ming-han Li. 2016. How to frame design research paradigm of landscape architecture? Chines landscape Architecture. (04): 10-15. (王志芳*与李明翰.如何建构风景园林的设计科研体系?中国园林2016, (04): 10-15.)

53. Ankang Cao, Zhifang Wang, Zhao Gong. 2015. Erosion analysis due to urbanization in Liangjian New District. Soil and Water Conservation in China. (10):12-15. (曹安康,王志芳 & 龚钊. 2015.两江新区中嘴河流域开发过程水土流失分析. 中国水土保持(10),12-15. doi:10.14123/j.cnki.swcc.2015.0281.)

54. Di Liu, Zhifang Wang, Kongjian Yu. 2015. Wetland conservation plan based on stormwater management- a case study of Liangjiang District, Chongqing. China Water Resources, (19): 28-31+34. (刘迪,王志芳,俞孔坚.基于雨洪调蓄的城市新区湿地保护规划——以重庆两江新区为例.中国水利,2015(19): 28-31+34.)

55. Kongjian Yu, Qianzi Jiang, Zhifang Wang*, Minghan Li. 2015. A literature review of pondscape. Area Research and Development. 34(3): 130-136. (俞孔坚,姜芊孜,王志芳*,李明翰. 陂塘景观研究进展与评述. 地域研究与开发2015, 34(03): 130-136.)

56. Yuan Yuan, Zhifang Wang, Ying Zhou. 2015. Landscape preference of children’s family toward agricultural parks in China. Real Estate Journal. (5): 18-21.(袁远,王志芳,周瑛.儿童家庭农业园游憩景观偏好研究,房地产导刊. 2015(5): 18-21.)

57. Zhifang Wang*, Zhongshen Ren, Min Zhang. 2015. An ecological planning method with a focus on soil: The planning process and evaluation of the Woodlands Community, Texas, the USA. International Urban Planning, 04:88-94. (王志芳*,任仲申,张敏. 以土壤因素为主导的生态规划——美国得克萨斯州伍德兰兹社区规划过程及评价. 国际城市规划, 2015,04:88-94.)

58. Zhifang Wang*, Wenwen Cheng, Huaqing Wang. 2015. Evidence-based restorative environment: Research progress and design inspirations. Landscape Architecture. (6):110-116. (王志芳*,程温温,王华清.循证健康修复环境: 研究进展与设计启示.风景园林.2015(6): 110-116.)

59. Qinqin Dai, Zhifang Wang. 2015.The modern implication of pond-paddy field system in Chongqing. China Water Resources. (1): 34-37. (戴芹芹,王志芳.2015.重庆堰塘-冲冲田系统对现代水资源管理的启示.中国水利.2015 (1): 34-37.)

60. Qianzi Jiang, Zhifang Wang*, Ming-han Li. 2014. A review of negative impacts of impervious surfaces to water environment in cities and mitigation strategies. Urban Issues. (11): 50-55. (姜芊孜,王志芳*,李明翰.不透水地表对城市水环境的负面影响及缓解策略.城市问题.2014(11): 50-55.)

61. Zhifang Wang*, Jinling Hou. 2014. The role of landscape design in governing sustainable places. China Population, Resources and Environment. 24(5):365-368. (王志芳*,侯金伶.2014.景观设计美高梅在生态场所建构中的作用.中国人口,资源与环境.S2.)

62. Huaqing Wang, Zhifang Wang, Huimin Wang. 2013. The impacts of landscape changes to water environment in Yanhe Village, Chongqing, China. Sichuan Environment. 33(1): 48-54. (王华清,王志芳,王惠民.重庆市河堰村景观改变对水环境的影响.四川环境. 2013, 33(1): 48-54.)

63. Zhifang Wang, Min Zhang, Runzi Wang, Yue Hou, Min He. 2013. Application potentials of LID strategies in different land uses in mountainous cities. Water Supply in Cities. 2013: 1-9.(王志芳,张敏,王润滋,侯跃,贺敏.山地城市不同用地类型应用低影响开发策略(LID)的可行性初探.城镇供水2013增刊1-9.)

64. Peng Sun, Zhifang Wang, Qianzi Jiang, Huaqing Wang. 2013. People-oriented design solutions in urban rainwater landscapes. Landscape Architecture Frontiers. (4): 83-87.(孙鹏,王志芳,姜芊孜,王华清.2013.人性化的城市雨洪综合利用.景观设计学, 2013 (4): 83-87.)

65. Kongjian Yu, Zhifang Wang, and Guoping Huang. Vernacular landscapes and their implications to modern landscape architecture. Huazhong Architecture. 2005(04):123-126. (俞孔坚,王志芳,黄国平.论乡土景观及其对现代景观设计的意义. 华中建筑, 2005, 23(4): 123-126.)

66. Zhifang Wang*, Peng Sun. 2001. Heritage corridor of USA. Chinese Landscape Architecture. Chinese Landscape Architecture, (5). 85-88. (王志芳*,孙鹏.遗产廊道:美国历史文化遗产保护中一种较新的方法.中国园林2001(5): 85-88.)

67. Peng Sun, Zhifang Wang. 2000. Design with natural processes in urban rivers and waterfronts. J. of City Planning Review, (9). 19-22. (孙鹏,王志芳.遵从自然过程的城市河流和滨水区景观设计.城市规划(9): 19-22.)

68. Zhifang Wang*, Peng Sun. 2000.Preservation and Mitigation methods for Chinese Historic Waterfront Landscape. Chinese Landscape Architecture, (6):13-16.(王志芳*,孙鹏. 历史地段型滨水区景观保护的内容和处理手法探析.中国园林,2000, 16(6): 13-16.)

1. Zhifang Wang and zhongWei Zhu. 2021. China Now: A Global Landscape Laboratory. In: Jillian Walliss and Heike Rahmann (Editors). The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture. Jovis.

2. Zhifang Wang. 2021.Seeking Evidence-based Ecological Planning and Design. In: Richard Weller and Richard Forman (Editors). Beautiful China.

3. Xu, Y., Wang, X., Wang, Z. 2020. Sponge city practices for sustainable water solutions in China: Reflections from two cases. In: Breuste, J., Artmann, M., Ioja, C., and Qureshi, S., (Editors). Making green cities – concepts, challenges and practice. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp: 204-220.

4. Zhifang Wang, Qianzi Jiang, Yuanmei Jiao. 2019. Traditional Ecological Wisdom in Modern Society: Perspectives from Terraced Fields in Honghe and Chongqing, Southwest China. Robert Young and Bo Yang (Editors). In Innovative Approaches to Socio-Ecological Sustainability. Ecological wisdom Series Publications. pp 125-148


1. Zhifang Wang. 2021. Design Research for Landscape Architecture. Chinese Architecture and Building Press. In final revision. 王志芳.2021.景观设计研究. 中国建筑工业出版社.

2. Zhifang Wang. 2016. Hyperscape: Contemporary Landscape Architecture in China. Chinese Architecture and Building Press. 王志芳编著. 2016.《百花齐放——当代中国景观》.中国建筑工业出版社.

3. Yu Kongjian, Wang Zhifang, Sun Peng. 2016. People Place. By Clare Cooper Marcus, Carolyn Francis. From English to Chinese, Chinese Architecture and Building Press.

4. Yu Kongjian, Wang Zhifang, Sun Peng. 2000. Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Site Planning and Design - 3rd ed. By John Ormsbee Simonds, From English to Chinese, Chinese Architecture and Building Press.


1. Zhifang Wang. 2021. HYBRID MODERNITY: THE PUBLIC PARK IN LATE 20TH CENTURY CHINA. Mary G. Padua. 2020. Routledge. Landscape Journal 39(2): 75-76.

2. Zhifang Wang. An attempt to translate ecological theories and research into practices. D.B. Lindenmayer and R. J. Hobbs (eds), Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation: Moving from Perspectives to Principles. Blackwell publishing, Oxford, UK., 2007. 587 pp. illus., Paper, US $75, ISBN 978-1-4051-5914-2. Landscape Ecology 24 (3): 453.

3. Zhifang Wang. Bridging Ecology and Urban Planning. Richard T.T. Forman. 2008. Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning beyond the City. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2009. 430pp., ISBN: 978-521-67076-0. Landscape and Urban Planning 92(3-4): 348-350.


2020-2022, 联合主持. 长江流域水源地分类. 生态环保部卫星环境应用中心.

2020-2022, Co-PI. Typologies of Drinking-water Conservation Areas for Appropriate Governance in the Yangtze River Delta. Funded by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environment.

2019-2022, 城市复合系统中社会情绪感知的空间分异及驱动机制.主持.国家自然科学基金面上项目.41871153

2019-2022, PI. Spatial differentiation and driving mechanism of social emotional perception in urban complex system. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. 41871153.

2019-2019, 国土综合整治与生态保护修复技术指南研究.自然资源部土地整治中心.

2019-2019, PI. Study on guidelines for comprehensive land reclamation and ecological conservation and restoration. Funded by Ministry of Natural Resources Land Management Center.

2019-2020,联合主持.水源地生态安全评价与管控策略. 生态环保部卫星环境应用中心.

2019-2020, Co-PI. Assessment and governance of ecological security in water conservation areas. Funded by Ministry of Ecology and Environment Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environment

2018-2019, 联合主持. 长江经济带乡村发展和文化景观保护研究.自然资源部土地整治中心资助.

2018-2019, Co-PI. Study on rural development and cultural landscape protection in Yangtze River Economic Belt. Funded by Ministry of Land and Resources Land Management Center.


2016-2017, PI. Local-knowledge-based stormwater solutions in Guangdong Province. Funded by Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute.

2016-2018, 岭南地区传统海绵措施.广东省科委资助.主持人

2016-2018, PI. Traditional stormwater solutions in Lingnan area. Funded by Science and Technology Agency in Guangdong.


2016-2018, Participant. Top design of beautiful China: a landscape perspective. Funded by Academy of Science.

2013-2016, 主要参与者.水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2013ZX07304001-06,生态景观设施设计与径流减控技术研究.

2013-2016, Key Participant. Design and technical solutions for ecological landscape and runoff reduction. Funded by the special water fund from Ministry of Science and Technology.

2012-2015, 主要参与者.水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2012ZX07307001-03,重庆两江新区城市水系统构建技术研究与示范.

2012-2015, Co-PI. Stormwater Infrastructure for Liangjang New district, Chongqing, China. Funded by the special water fund from Ministry of Science and Technology. Fund No. ,2012ZX07307001-03.


2020-2021PI. Ecological Planning for Baofeng County, Henan Province. 河南省宝丰县生态建设规划.

2019-2019PI. Development Plan for Renewal Strategies of Taierzhuang, Shangdong Province. 台儿庄发展规划.台儿庄古城发展有限责任公司.主持.

2019-2019PI. Ecological Corridors Plan for Shizuishan City, Gansu Province. Funded by Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute.石嘴山生态廊道规划.

2018-2020Co-PI. Ecological Infrastructure Plan of Wusheng County, Sichuan Province. Environmental Protection Bureau of Wusheng, Sichuan Province. 四川省武胜县生态基础设施规划.四川省武胜县环保局.共同主持.

2018-2019PI. Landscape Characteristics Evaluation of Wusheng, Sichuan Province. Environmental Protection Bureau of Wusheng, Sichuan Province.四川省武胜县景观特征评价.四川省武胜县环保局.主持.

2017PI. Ecological Redlines of Yangjiang City, Guangzhou Province. Funded by Guangzhou Urban Planning Design Survey Research Institute.阳江生态红线规划.广州市勘察规划设计研究院资助.


2018-2019. Case Study Development for Master of Landscape Architecture. Funded by Peking University.美高梅建筑与景观学院MLA专业学位案例教学与案例库建设.

2019-2020. Core Theories and Research Methods of Landscape Architecture. Funded by Peking University.景观设计核心理论. 美高梅研究生课程建设基金.